Sunday, April 19, 2009

a cause for celebration

My professor received my work: lit review, research proposal, and concentration essay. On review he said I am "there" and to "relax and enjoy vacation" because he is "proud"...of me! I am so thankful to have had understanding professors this year. It took me THREE TRIES to get this review right. I was also dealing with extraneous issues last semester such as the untimely death of a friend, a move to a new home, a break-up, etc etc not to mention the double-duty I pulled early in the year as a French AND Spanish teacher as well as interpreting duties for a special case. A lot on my plate on top of two grad level course. Now that it is done I feel like I can speak about what prevented it from being done on time.

PHEW....I made it...I finished my EDU582 class in time. Now to finish EDU569...just a few blog entries there. And then I can focus fully on EDU583, a course I really love, because it is all about designing units using backward design and TPCK. Stuff that seems to come naturally, yet I am challenged, too--which feels so good!!

1 comment:

The Buck Shoots Here said...

I say again, on this blog, WAHOO! Way to finish strong!


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