Saturday, February 2, 2008


Click here for the complete document.

My unit will meet the following standards.

A. Communication

2. Interpretive

Students comprehend conversations, narratives, and recorded material in familiar contexts that are longer and/or more complex than those in the 6-8 grade span.

c. Identify main ideas, topics, and specific information in a variety of authentic oral/signed materials. (9-Diploma)

3. Presentational

Students use simple sentences and strings of simple sentences to produce short oral/signed and written presentations based on familiar topics and including a level of accuracy in form and pronunciation that could be understood by speakers accustomed to interacting with language learners.

b. Produce and present simple creative works orally or in sign language, and in writing.

4. Language Comparisons

Students compare the target language with English in order to better understand language systems.

d. Recognize that there are regional and/or historical variations in spoken/signed language.

B. Cultures

1. Practices and Perspectives

Students identify and explain how perspectives of a culture(s) are related to cultural practices of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

a. Identify and explain the reason behind significant practices of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

2. Products and Perspectives

Students explain how political structures, historical artifacts, literature, and/or visual and performing arts reflect the perspectives of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

3. Comparisons with Own Culture

Students explain how products, practices, and perspectives of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken contribute to the culture in which the student lives.

C. Connections

1. Knowledge of Other Learning Results Content Areas

Students apply information acquired in other Learning Results content areas to further their knowledge and skills in the target language.

a. Use the writing process learned in English Language Arts when writing for the target language class. *

b. Apply research skills to further knowledge in the target language.

c. Apply knowledge from other Learning Results content areas including literature, social studies, science and technology, and/or the visual and performing arts to tasks in the world language classroom.

Students use the target language to enhance their knowledge of other Learning Results content areas.

2. Distinctive Viewpoints

Students recognize some distinctive viewpoints available only through sources from the target language.

a. Identify examples of simple narrative selections from a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

Students locate authentic resources, available only through sources in the target language, and identify ideas about a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

a. Locate media or other authentic sources from the target language and a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken and identify a perspective and/or practice of a culture(s) different from the students’ own viewpoints and/or behaviors.

Students locate authentic resources and describe ideas about the target language and associated culture(s) that are available only through sources in the target language.

b. Locate selected magazines, newspapers, authentic entertainment media and electronic media in the target language and use these media as the basis for describing the viewpoints of the culture associated with the target language(s).

c. Locate selected magazines, newspapers, authentic entertainment media and electronic media in the target language and describe viewpoints of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

D. Communities

1. Communities

Students include family, friends, or peers in activities using the target language.

Students demonstrate understanding and use of the target language and their knowledge of a culture(s) in which the language is spoken through community involvement.

a. Demonstrate use of oral/signed and/or written forms of the target language with family, friends, or peers.

b. Participate in activities using the target language which can benefit the school or broader community.

c. Ask questions and share knowledge about aspects of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken to demonstrate an interest in the target language and an associated culture(s).

d. Access online resources or resources available in the community to understand aspects of a culture(s) in which the target language is spoken.

Students demonstrate an understanding and use their knowledge of the target language to communicate with target language speakers, obtain information on familiar topics, and gain understanding of another culture(s).

a. Participate in and summarize school/community events related to the target language or associated culture(s).

b. Identify community and online resources that can be used to gain information about the target language or associated culture(s).

c. Communicate with students in the target language.

d. Describe language skills and cultural insights gained through real or virtual travel.

Students demonstrate an understanding and use their knowledge of the target language to communicate with target language speakers and to understand the importance of culture and language in the 21st century.

a. Interact with people, either in the community or online, who use the target language in their professions

c. Explain how personal, educational, and career opportunities are expanded and enhanced by knowledge of the target language and associated culture(s).

d. Communicate with target language speakers using the target language.

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