Sunday, July 6, 2008

EDU 580 brain explosions

Fun fun reading for my tech module. I enjoyed/learned from each article.

Here are some of my thoughts from the readings.

1. Make a Spanish teacher's wiki.
2. Maine Youth--Everyone Tells a Story--Statewide MLTI Literacy Project
3. MSAD21 Exploration--to replace the Cougar Paw Portfolio--a K-12 electronic portfolio wiki
4. World Language Education Social Networking
5. Heritage Speaker Series via Tandberg equipment
6. 100 Dollar Laptops
7. RSS feeds to parents' e-mail for updates to class wiki
8. EduBloggerCon

Blogs I reviewed:

Bud the Teacher

Tim Lauer

Paul Allison

Will Richardson

Vicki Davis
Thanks to Vicki I discovered Plurk! This is a powerful tool that unites remote users.

Wikis I reviewed:

Horizon Project

This amazing wiki has such gems as:
  • DIY Repositories Constructivist learning is fundamentally about building knowledge together. Increasingly, however, we must pay more explicit attention to the fading art of building real things together. Students have less and less hands-on experience with the physical tools that are essential to fabricating objects in real life (from using a screwdriver or soldering iron to fabricating a bernoulli tube or assembling a motorized bike). Sites exist to support this kind of work from Instructables. Every campus needs one of these! [PL]
    • Phil's idea sparks up applications in service-learning environments. In addition to doing useful kinds of physical tasks in service learning, students could also create persistent documentation of their work as a way to empower people remaining in those environments after the students have gone. [GC]

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